Air quality, dry conditions mean burn bans from Beaverton to Blackstock stay in place


Published June 7, 2023 at 2:16 pm

Brock Township’s theme of ‘Breathe it in” does not apply this month with wildfires raging across Eastern Canada having a serious effect on the air quality in the area.

The fires, which are spreading a thick haze eastward every day, and the hot dry conditions which have expedited their spread also mean a total fire ban implemented a week ago will not be lifted any time soon.

Brock and its north Durham neighbours Scugog and Uxbridge all have some form of burn bans in place, though only Brock has a ‘total’ ban in effect where burning of any type in the township is ‘strictly prohibited’ until further notice.

Uxbridge imposed a fire ban on all open-air burning Tuesday, with dry conditions caused by current and forecasted weather patterns make burning unsafe at this time.

Open air burning includes the use of burn barrels, outdoor fireplaces and cooking fires, as well as fires in pits. Residents may still use a barbeque or other approved cooking appliances with caution.

Scugog has banned all but recreational fires (with permit), effective immediately.

“Restricting open-air burning at this time is designed to help reduce the risk to residents, firefighters and property yet still allow residents to continue to enjoy our waterfront community,” said Scugog Fire Chief Mark Berney. “Hot temperatures and lack of significant rainfall has contributed to dry ground vegetation that can catch fire easily and spread rapidly.”

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