Ajax Fire shares safety advice during Burn Awareness Week


Published February 10, 2022 at 10:14 am

Ajax Fire and Emergency Services is sharing some advice throughout Burn Awareness Week to help residents protect themselves and their children safe from burns and scalds.

Ajax Fire said children are at a greater risk, most often from scalds and contact burns, but stressed most instances are avoidable if proper safety methods are followed.

Some of the tips Ajax Fire shared focus on the kitchen. Parents with young kids should use the back burners of the stove so kids can’t reach up and touch hot pots and pans.

Ajax Fire recommends a “kids-free zone” 1 metre around the stove and for parents to place hot liquid and food in the center of a table or toward the back of a counter.

“Never hold a child while you are cooking, drinking a hot liquid, or carrying hot foods or liquids,” Ajax Fire said, “Stay alert and in the kitchen when cooking with oil.”

If an oil or grease fire does start one should “carefully slide a lid or cookie sheet over the flame to smother it. Do not use water,” according to Ajax Fire. Using water on a grease fire can create a plume of flame posing a danger to the home and everyone in it.

The Township of Brock shared this video in January to demonstrate what happens when water is used on a grease fire.

Next, Ajax Fire warns of fireplaces. The glass doors can reach “extreme” temperatures and can cause serious injuries. Use safety gates, install screen barriers and supervise young children around fireplaces, Ajax Fire said, and keep fireplace switches and remote controls out of a kid’s reach.

Fire Services say to never leave candles burning when out of the room and to make sure they are fully extinguished. Finally, Ajax Fire said to always check water temperature before placing a child in the bath by running a hand through the water.

If a burn does happen, Ajax Fire said to treat it “right away.” Run cool water over the burn for three to five minutes then cover with a clean, dry cloth.”


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