Clarington to demonstrate new system to allow voting “anytime, anywhere” on tablet or phone


Published June 3, 2022 at 8:31 am

Fresh off a provincial election rife with technical problems – 27 polling stations in 19 ridings in Ontario held their polls open longer because of power failures and other issues – Clarington is set to demonstrate a voting system that will enable voters to vote “anywhere, anytime” using an online device, tablet or telephone.

The demonstration will be made by Simply Voting, a web-based online voting system provider, on June 8 at seven p.m. The new system will be in place in time for the upcoming municipal election this October.

The demonstration can be seen in person in the municipality’s Council Chambers in downtown Bowmanville or you can join the meeting on your computer, the Microsoft Teams mobile app or you can simply call in (audio only) at (289) 274-8255, Phone Conference ID: 619 553 448#.

The online voting system was used successfully in the 2019 Northwest Territories election, though critics warn of hacking issues and of ballot transparency.

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