COVID numbers still on the decline but three deaths from outbreak at Lakeridge Bowmanville a concern


Published February 16, 2022 at 4:00 pm

Eighty-seven new COVID-19 cases were reported in Durham Tuesday on a day when the number of active cases continued to decline, dropping to 571 as of yesterday afternoon.

The only area of concern right now is at Lakeridge Health Bowmanville, where a series of outbreaks in four different departments beginning just two weeks ago affected a total of 24 people and killed three, an abnormally high mortality rate.

There are currently eight patients still isolating at the hospital.

At all Durham hospitals there are 57 people who have tested positive with seven in ICU. At all institutions there are 11 outbreaks with 20 people isolating, including the aforementioned eight in Bowmanville.

Pickering reported the highest number of new cases Tuesday with 23.

Absenteeism rates at Durham schools and child care centres seem relatively normal for this time of year, with 3.4 per cent absenteeism at day cares, 2.3 per cent at elementary schools and 2.1 per cent at secondary schools for the week ending February 12.

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