Delayed weed-cutting project in Pickering’s Frenchman’s Bay back on


Published October 1, 2021 at 3:02 pm

A Pickering Councillor says it’s “kind of late in the game” to finish a delayed weed-cutting project in Frenchman’s Bay, especially since the upcoming cold weather will kill the weeds in the next 30 days for free.

The City and the Pickering Harbour Company launched the pilot project last month to address the negative impacts of Eurasian water-milfoil weed on Frenchman’s Bay.

The excessive weed growth can reduce biodiversity and water quality and poses a hazard to those using the Bay for recreational watercraft, sports and leisure.

But an equipment malfunction that required a part to be shipped from overseas delayed the project not long after it began. The equipment – and the project – is back in operation but Ward 1 Councillor Maurice Brenner – who acknowledged that barring any more equipment malfunctions the task will be finished this year – questioned if finishing the job is worth the expense.

“I’m disappointed it took this long,” he said. “Next year we need to be proactive and do this at the beginning of the season, not at the end.”

The project involves cutting five acres of the invasive weed and appropriate funding will be included in the 2022 Budget to address the problem next year.

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