Local Oshawa artists beautify shipping container


Published June 8, 2021 at 2:17 pm


When you have more vintage cars than space to display them you have no choice but to store them.

That was the dilemma facing the Canadian Automotive Museum recently, and while staff and executives at the museum – home to Canada’s automotive history since 1963 – would prefer to expand or re-locate so they wouldn’t need a storage place, that option wasn’t available.

So the museum found a shipping container, stuck a few cars in it, and parked it out in the back parking lot adjacent to Celina Street.

But shipping containers are ugly, so Signs of Life Project, a local collaborative mural group that aims to bring economic opportunities to the cultural sector, was brought in to do something about that problem.

Local artist and Durham College instructor Dani Crosby volunteered to make a few sketches for the outlines of the murals and two local artists – Signs of Life co-founder Chad Tyson and a volunteer artist – were brought in to give the containers some life. The result is a vibrant-looking container with colourful murals, as well as positive messages on three sides.

The project, along with an earlier mural at 155 Simcoe Street South by an artist who goes by the name Vizsla_Bacon, was funded by a donation from the City of Oshawa and Go Fund Me campaign contributions.

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