myDurham 311 gives Durham residents from Whitby to Uxbridge instant civic and election info


Published October 20, 2022 at 3:35 pm

The Region of Durham has launched Phase 2 of the myDurham 311 Smart Home Device Voice Service, just in time for Monday’s municipal election.

The latest phase, which launched last week, is designed to help customers access information and frequently asked questions about the 2022 municipal elections through smart home devices.

Now it’s easy to find out about when Election Day is, what are the hours of the advanced poll, when polls open in your municipality, and how to check if you are on the voters list.

The myDurham 311 voice service is available through the Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa Marketplace. If using Google just say, “Hey Google, talk to myDurham 311″ or if using Alexa, enable the service in the Alexa app settings and then say “Alexa, open myDurham 311.”

Developed in partnership with Qwhery, Phase 1 launched last November, making Durham the first regional municipality in Canada to bring Regional services to smart home devices. It’s a tool designed to help customers access information, and frequently asked questions, through those smart devices.

The myDurham 311 Voice Service highlights how Durham Region is focused on improving the customer experience through an omnichannel approach. It’s a co-ordinated system that will help ensure Regional services are accessible via a variety of methods, including in-person, web, emails, phone calls, social media, and more.

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