Online/telephone voting system in Clarington a hit – survey

Published January 30, 2023 at 3:55 pm

Clarington’s internet/telephone voting system, put in place for last October’s municipal election, got the thumbs up from voters, with more than 80 per cent of respondents of a poll saying they like the new system.

The feedback from Clarington’s Election Survey (available online and in paper form) to gauge the voter experience was received was very positive, with 85 per cent of respondents saying they liked how easy, fast, and convenient the voting process was. Only five per cent of those responding said they didn’t like anything about the process.

More importantly, 84 per cent of respondents stated that they are very likely to vote online or by telephone in future elections, with just four per cent responding that they are very unlikely.

The survey’s final question asked if respondents had any other comments or concerns about the voting process. These comments varied wildly from people requesting a paper ballot, not trusting online voting or concerned about the security and privacy of online voting, to people expressing how much they loved it, how easy it was and requesting that online voting be an option in every election.

Voters could also receive assistance to cast their ballots at Election Assistance Centres, local library branches and special voting locations held at retirement homes, nursing homes and the hospital.

Municipal staff will continue to receive feedback from voters and monitor the technologies and processes of conducting elections to ensure the 2026 Municipal Election process will provide an equal opportunity for all of Clarington’s voters.

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