Featured News in Clarington


Museum near Port Perry bringing fright and fun with return next month of Scary Stories

Will the onset of cooler weather and the coming of fall the scare season is almost here in Durham Region. ...

Will the onset of cooler weather and the coming of fall the scare season is almost here in Durham Region. ...

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Crime prevention plan for Oshawa Creek valleylands to be debated Monday

Oshawa will vote on a crime prevention plan for the Oshawa Creek lands south of downtown Monday, with a natural...

Oshawa will vote on a crime prevention plan for the Oshawa Creek lands south of downtown Monday, with a natural...

Parks plan and updates on three major projects subject of special meeting in Clarington Monday

Clarington residents will get a taste of the future of parks and recreation in the community Monday when the...

Clarington residents will get a taste of the future of parks and recreation in the community Monday when the...