Whitby calls for input on new four-year strategic plan


Published February 21, 2023 at 11:58 am


The Town of Whitby needs to hear from residents for their next strategic plan to guide the mayor and council over the next four-year term.

They have opened a new online survey, in addition to door-knocking tours, to identify residents’ and workers’ priorities for them to get to work on.

Shortly after their election, the Council met in December 2022 to hash out their priorities for the term. However, the council-led draft is just that and remains up for revision. Final decisions on the plan will come after a two-part community engagement.

The first part, an open survey, launched on Feb 21. The second, engagement on the draft, will follow in April.

“Once complete, the Plan will provide a shared Vision, Goals, and Objectives for how Town staff and Council will deliver on community priorities over the next four years, and beyond. The Plan will include measurable action items that the Town will report on annually to openly evaluate progress,” the town said.

The new survey first asks for some personal details like the respondent’s age and whether they live or work in town. It moves on to ask what defining features the respondent feel makes Whitby stand out before asking what they like the town to be like in 10 years.

Town council outlined four “pillars” of their plan;

  • Healthy and inclusive neighbourhoods,
  • Connected and resilient natural and built environments,
  • An innovative and competitive economy, and
  • a responsive and responsible local government

Survey takers are asked how much they agree with these pillars. It next lists a wide variety of priorities in each pillar as respondents are asked which five in each category are most important to them.

The survey is open until March 12 when the collected feedback going into the next draft of the plan. The town will then take feedback on this second draft starting April.

“The need for a community plan for Whitby is something I heard loud and clear from our residents, businesses, and partners during my election campaign. This Plan will help to shape the future of our community – it will define what we aspire to and how we will get there,” said Mayor Elizabeth Roy.

“It’s important that we hear from as many people as possible to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and that the Plan is a true reflection of our community’s priorities.”

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