WHITBY: COVID-19 numbers in Durham Region take a small jump – two new deaths


Published June 22, 2022 at 3:46 pm

COVID-19 numbers in Durham Region gave us a mixed bag of results last week with the weekly incidence rate (25.1) more than doubling, the number of new cases (184) nearly doubling and the total deaths in the region (2) also multiplying by two.

An obvious mitigating factor in the numbers is last week’s totals – for unexplained reasons – covered just three days. This week’s totals represent the entire week of June 12-18.

Hospitalization numbers dropped from 19 to 13, though there is currently one person in ICU. There were none the previous week. The positivity rate per 100,000 also fell, from 6.2 per cent to 5.4 per cent and there were three new outbreaks at institutions, bringing the total number of active outbreaks to seven.

The two deaths bring the total number of people who have died from the virus since the pandemic began to 496.

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